Why have a personalized web page?
Get a storefront on investia.ca and enjoy the many benefits:
- Your name and contact information referenced on pages presenting our services
- The possibility of adding your web address to your business cards
- A tablet and mobile-friendly web interface
- Higher search engine ranking thanks to the traffic to investia.ca
- Compliant, up-to-date content at all times
- Bilingual page

What your page will include:
- A simple address (e.g. investia.ca/firstname.lastname)
- Your picture and one of your team
- Your contact information
- Your introductory text and one for your team
- Your service offer

Promote your page

Email signature
A great way to promote your web page is to add the link (investia.ca/firstname.lastname) to your email signature, below your phone number. This makes it easy for anyone you email to access your page at the click of a button.

Business card
Once you have created your personalized web page, be sure to add the URL (investia.ca/firstname.lastname) to your business cards. This will help all your new business contacts access your details.