Trevor Wright


Mutual fund representative 1

Insurance representative 2

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About me

With me, what you see is what you get: Shorts, sandals and dad jokes are what I'm made of. But when it comes down to business, the serious face comes on and you know what you're going to get: you'll get the inspiration you need to get you where you want to go. My methods may be out of sorts with Bay Street advisors. That's because I'm not a Bay Street advisor. I use Bay Street advisor tools the same way many carpenters use Estwing Hammers, however we craft things differently. This's what Wright Wealth does differently. That's what I do differently. I support local businesses, environmental initiatives, in short, those who need support. Be Inspirational. If the table isn’t big enough, don’t turn someone away; make a bigger table. At Wright Wealth either everybody counts or nobody counts.

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About my team

Wright Wealth offer retirement and insurance advice to our clients to help them achieve their goals. We believe that each client is unique. Whether your are in the accumulation, growth, preservation, or transitional phase financially, we are here to support you. We take a team approach to your financial health by pooling our expertise and supporting each other so that we can best meet your individual requirements. Our team is not limited to one line of products, and we're not tied to a specific company. We look at our clients' individual needs and guide them in choosing the services and products that suit their stage in life to help them achieve their financial goals and dreams. Our team consists of Eleanor Ross, Mark Filo, Katlyn Steel, and Emil Balea. Each are professionals in their own way and specialize in many different aspects of the financial world!

Eleanor Ross



519-221-3531 Send a messageeast

Emil Balea


519-781-2069 Send a messageeast

Katlyn Steel

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Mark Filo


519-994-2034 Send a messageeast

A complete service offer to answer your needs

Savings and retirement

Mutual funds are based on a simple principle : pooling your money with that of many other investors in order to offer you access to global markets and a large selection of investments, as well as the flexibility to invest whatever you want, whenever you want.

Economic News with Sébastien Mc Mahon

Sébastien Mc Mahon has been Senior Vice-President, Investments and Chief Economist at iA Financial Group. In addition to being the Group’s spokesperson on economic matters, he is also the chair of the asset allocation committee and responsible for managing the company's diversified funds. He serves as the company’s spokesperson on economic matters.

1 With Investia Financial Services Inc. 2 Wright Wealth (Guelph) Inc.

Why work with an advisor?

An advisor helps you make the best choices based on your reality and your needs. An advisor also helps you find your way in the sometimes complicated world of investments and insurance. By using the services of an advisor, you will:

  • Earn more money and learn where and when to invest
  • Receive a personalized financial plan that will help you achieve your objectives
  • Avoid flavours of the month and investment mistakes related to influences from the media and the people around you
  • Be able to weigh the pros and cons in terms of investments based on your investor profile and risk tolerance
  • Save time and enough money to carry out your projects
The value of an advisor

Make your life easier with our mobile application. This free app will allow you to follow the evolution of your investments.

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Client Portal

Direct access to your investments and our advice

Stay up-to-date on the progress of your investments, access to detailed information about your accounts and see if you are on track reach your goals.

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